Thursday, October 28, 2004
uda jam enam. kerjaan juga terpaksa hrs di tunda sampai besok krn org2 uda pd pulang. sambil liat2 sales week kemarin, iseng liat cerita nya R.
ada cerpen judulnya Sindrom Ulang Taun #19.
liat itu, cuma senyum2 aja sambil gumam, alah baru 19 aja..
sambil itung2 Rata2 Sales 4 minggu terakhir, cerpennya R dibaca juga dikit2. satu paragraf, dua paragraf, sampai keterusan. ternyata cerpennya berat. sampai miris.
at the end of the story, i just realized. im 20. but i was still 19 three weeks ago.
and he's rite.
damn rite.
And cars and phones and diamond rings,
Bling, bling, but those are only removable things.
And what about your mind? Does it shine?
Are there things that concern you more than your time?