Friday, March 03, 2006

today, a lady asked me
"good morning, how are you today?"

it took a while for me to answer
i was thinking..

oh well, i paid my rent very2 late last month, cause somehow, because of my stupidity, i 'd failed my own cash flow, and ruined everything.
plus.. i have too much debt in my credit card i couldnt make it gone in 5 months or so..
i also got a "notice to vacate" letter from the landlord a couple days ago
and without warning, somebody has broken into my flat yesterday and successfully taken my laptop, my mobile phone, my partner's watch and his mobile phone as well.

but then i think again,
maybe it's time for me to let go
i may be miserable today
a bit down in the dumps
but i should move on.


so I took a deep breath and answered,
"yea.. Im good thanks. How are you?"

Posted by cabina. @ 12:07 PM