Sunday, July 30, 2006
I'm grateful..
Sometimes when self-pity struck my muse, i found a way to lift myself up again. It's called the "I'm grateful.." game. The rule is simple. Think of whatever you have in this life and let your heart be grateful of it. I usually do it like this..
I'm grateful that..
..I have You, The Almighty, that guides me in every single second of my life,
..I am still being given the opportunity to treasure my surroundings; the trees, the flowers, all the living substances around and above me; the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars, the air that I breath in..,
..I am also blessed with a family who still care a lot about me,
..I have my babe who loves me unconditionally,
..I have my wonderful friends to laugh together,
..I have a nice job and working environment,
..I have a nice unit to live in,
..I have an old but still a good car to drive,
..I have just enough money to do my groceries and pay my bills,
..I have my credit card to cover the rest that I cannot afford on,
..I have my nice comfy bed to sleep in at night,
..I have a phone to let me call my family back home,
And usually after this point, my heart feel contained..
Somehow, I have a lot more to be thankful at than to be whinged at
Thank You God..
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