Friday, August 11, 2006

Being sick is never enjoyable. It drains your entire energy as if you just did days of hard-work 24/7. your body aches. You feel tired all the time. Your nose’s running like nobody’s business. And you can feel the heat on your face every time the flu strikes back. And if you are one of those people who often misuse their sick leave entitlement for ‘other’ priorities, you’ll understand why I refused calling a sickie.

My mind, on the other part still works alright. Well.. I think.

I kept my mind busy with ideas for the whole day. It amazes me how I’m always full of ideas about non-work related thing during working hours. And still full of ideas of non-work related thing after hours.

Until then I have to keep on committing myself with my responsibilities.

But weekend is coming real soon. I feel like sleeping for the entire weekend and if I happened to wake up on Saturday or Sunday Morning, I would asked myself ‘uhm.. is today Monday?’ And if I found out that it’s not Monday yet, I’ll continue on my sleeping.

Oh, and I don’t understand why people give their car a registration number => ‘MISKIN’, which means ‘POOR’ in English. If he can stay here in Melbourne, Australia, and have his parents who’s willingly pay for his study, have a good amount of pocket money, have a decent car, able to pay the rego for that customisable rego number, and he is able to dine in a restaurant, does that make him poor? ..What an ARROGANT BRAINLESS PRICK that guy is.

Posted by cabina. @ 12:07 PM

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win. i think you are just jealous with the car owner. i know i am. :P

apa nama obat yg ga pake cimenk ituh?

Posted by Blogger yours trully @ 1:02 AM #

ya abisss.. belagu abis punya mobil trus dikasi plat nomor MISKIN. kl dia miskin, gue apa? MELARAT? cuih.. hehehehehehehehehehehehe emosi berat gini gue ;p

obat yg ga pake cimenk itu CODRAL. speed nya diganti ama something called phenyledrine atau apa gitu.. gue bingung spelling nya gimana

katanya skrg kl mau beli obat yg mengandung speed nya itu musti pake resep dokter kl ga salah. makanya yg bebas dijual di luar ya yg pake phenyledrine ituww

katanya lho yaa..

Posted by Blogger cabina. @ 9:26 AM #
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